Richmond Photographs at Maymont and Church Hill - Winter Walkabout
After some sub-arctic temperatures here in The South, it was good to have a rare January day in the 60s to go stretch our legs and soak up some sun!
Trip and I headed to Maymont to wander around taking pictures (all these photos were taken on my iPhone!), eat a packed picnic lunch and play a few rounds of one of our favorite board games in the sun.
We didn't want to go back indoors when we were done, so we headed up to Church Hill where we walked around the neighborhood, admired the architecture, and took in a gorgeous sunset!
Here are a few of my favorite pictures from the day!
Maymont and Church Hill - Richmond Photography
Exploding Kittens is a terrible name for a game, but its cards are so funny, and it's a really fun, fast-paced, portable game!